Way back in 1973 when we were young and innocents,two recent high school graduates went to work for the Iowa Conservation Commission. One was myself in July in the personnel department and the other was Sherry Brown, I think in the typing pool. We were on the same floor, and not that far away but we were both on the shy side at that point and didn't really know each other. In October of 1973 the Conservation Commission provided two vehicles, and about eight of us "ladies" went on a field trip to northeastern Iowa to visit the state parks and forestry. I rode in one car with some "old ladies"; Sherry was in the other with some "old ladies."
We later worked together in the Word Processing Center on MTST typewriters and became good friends. I started moving around to various state agencies, but Sherry stayed with the Conservation Commission, which later became the DNR. She's held various positions with them. This week she retired--lucky lady. Good luck on your retirement and enjoy it and those grand babies. You deserve it.
More pictures (in high resolution quality) from this event can be found on my Flickr photostream: http://www.flickr.com/photos/queenshakenbake/